Digital Sales with the SAP Sales & Service Cloud App: How to Use Mobile CRM

Roman Mayr

When you ask experienced sales professionals what lies at the heart of their success, their answer will be: customer proximity. Today, digital CRM tools make it possible to build a close relationship with customers regardless of physical distance. Although you as a sales representative may physically be in the office, thanks to digital data you are, in a sense, right at the customer’s side. From there, you can respond to their every action.

But what happens when you leave your desk? Sales professionals are constantly on the move, servicing customers, exploring new business opportunities, and strengthening relationships. While on the go, they often lack access to vital information stored in their CRM system. Mobile customer relationship management not only solves this problem; it also overcomes many other typical challenges associated with mobile sales.

This is where the new SAP App Sales & Service Cloud comes in. The app bridges the gap with CRM in the office, enabling you to efficiently manage customers as you go about your dynamic day-to-day activities – whether online or offline. Discover below how SAP's mobile Sales & Service Cloud can help you remain close to customers, no matter where you are.

Sind Sie skeptisch gegenüber teurer und komplexer CRM-Software? Dann ist die SAP Sales & Service Cloud die richtige Wahl. Diese erschwingliche Plattform bietet leistungsstarke Funktionen, ohne Unternehmen mit überflüssiger Technik zu überlasten. Erfahren Sie mehr!

What Are the Three Biggest Challenges of Mobile Sales?

Access to the latest data: As a sales representative, you need constant access to up-to-date customer information, purchase history, and outstanding offers. Without this, you run the risk of losing sight of the customer's individual needs and overlooking sales opportunities.

Double the work: Without mobile customer relationship management, you have to manually transfer your notes from the out-of-office appointment to the CRM system when you return to the office. This not only creates room for error; it also eats up your precious time.

Daily planning and scheduling: Customer support on the move often requires the coordination of various tasks and appointments. However, this is rather tedious without real-time data and analytics. If you make a scheduling mistake as a customer service representative, you put both your own productivity and your customer’s satisfaction on the line.


What Is the SAP Sales & Service Cloud App?

The SAP Sales & Service Cloud mobile application gives you access to SAP Sales Cloud data on the go. This allows you to view customer information directly from your mobile devices, collaborate effectively with your team, and seamlessly communicate with your business network. Ultimately, this leads to more informed decisions and higher closing rates.

The app at a glance:

  • Developed by the market leader SAP
  • Usable on any mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet
  • Works with any popular operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Tablet)
  • Offline working possible
  • Individually configurable workspaces
  • Sensitive customer data protected against access


Would you like to discover more about the benefits of SAP Sales and Service Cloud for SMEs? You can find in-depth information succinctly presented in our whitepaper.


Put Your CRM in Your Pocket – with the SAP Sales and Service Cloud App

Thanks to the mobile-first approach of the Sales & Service Cloud, your workday in field sales, sales, and service will change for the better. The app accompanies you from a quick overview at the beginning of the day until wrap-up just before closing time. Let's take a look at the individual stages of a typical workday.

7:30am: Get an overview

What’s on the agenda today? One look at the day and agenda view of the mobile app will tell you all you need to know before you get in the car. Create and manage your appointments and other activities with your customers on the go.

8:00am: On your way to the appointment

What stage of the buying process is your lead in? Perform a last-minute check by reviewing the sales pipeline in your app. Here you’ll find the latest information regarding the offer, while guided selling suggests a suitable action. Who would have thought that seamless lead-to-opportunity processes could make such a difference?

9:00am: With the customer 

Seamlessly keep customer information up to date without much effort. Use the checklist surveys to quickly capture data in your transaction units in a structured and efficient manner. With the built-in features on your smartphone or tablet, you can capture and store photos if a service issue arises. You can also manage sensitive customer data on your mobile devices without any security risks.

10:30am: Follow-up  

Structure your thoughts directly after the customer meeting. Thanks to the SAP app, you have everything you need for systematic follow-up. You can track actions in transaction, account, and customer data in real time.

11:00am: Coffee break 

While you enjoy your well-deserved coffee, you can check your next appointments in the app and view customer information in real time. Ah, the internal sales team has received feedback from your next lead! New charts and analytics help you visualize and accurately assess engagement data.

2:30pm: Back in the car

Almost forgot! A notification from the app on your smartphone reminds you that you still need to make a call. Native iOS widgets provide you with quick access to relevant activity and transaction data.

4:00pm Internal meeting 

You’re still on the road, but want to coordinate something quickly with the team? Simply create and start a Microsoft Teams meeting directly in the app.

A 360° Overview of Your Customers Is Just an App Away

The SAP Sales & Service Cloud is an intelligent and clear platform that centralizes tools and insights related to customer behavior. It enables the management of all customer-facing processes across various communication channels, including personal calls, MS Teams, online contacts, social media, and mobile devices. Sales and service professionals can access necessary data on the go, even when they are offline.

This makes this CRM tool the ideal solution for SMEs looking to digitalize and drive forward their mobile sales. Are you one of them?

Contact us to find out more!

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